The Best Laid Plans…

The best laid plans of mice and men oft’ go awry. — Robert Burns

I’ve been working pretty diligently on the back end to get this web site and blog revamped and re-launched, and I’m glad to say that the web site part, at least, is up and successfully running. In the background, I’ve been also pre-writing a number of “evergreen” blog posts so that, even during periods when I may not be able to actively write posts, I’m still able to keep new content appearing on a regular basis. In the past, that has been my downfall whenever I ran a blog.

Unfortunately, as the quote at the top of this post suggests, things have indeed gone awry. Due to a family emergency, it looks like I’m going to have to push the blog’s re-launch back from July 1, 2024, to July 8, 2024, or possibly a little later.

That said, I can reassure those out there that the blog re-launch is going to happen sometime during July 2024. I’ve been planning this for a couple of months now, and already have several posts written. I just don’t quite have enough for a month yet, and don’t want to commit to the re-launch until I do.

Please stay tuned! There will be announcements on Facebook and X when the first new post goes live.